Learn More About Asbestos Abatement with These FAQs

Learn More About Asbestos Abatement with These FAQs

Why should you worry about asbestos, and why is remediation necessary? Read the answers to Abatement Services' frequently asked questions and see why you want to ensure that asbestos fibers are not floating through the air in your home or business.

If you feel that abatement measures are necessary, contact Abatement Services Inc for more information and a FREE estimate. You'll get a reasonable price and create a better environment for everyone! We're certified in asbestos removal since 1987!

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring silicate minerals long famed for their resistance to fire. Fibrous, thin, and strong, asbestos is mined and milled from native rock.

Chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite fibers are the most common types of asbestos minerals. Of these varieties, only chrysotile, crocidolite, and amosite varieties are of industrial importance.

Characteristics such as heat resistance, chemical inertness, insulating capacity, and flexibility coupled with the ability to be woven into a cloth-like material, once made asbestos suitable for use in many industrial applications.

How do I know if I have asbestos in my home (in floor tile, ceiling tile, shingles, siding, etc.)?

The only way to be sure whether a material contains asbestos is to have it tested by a qualified laboratory.

The EPA recommends testing suspect materials only if they are damaged (fraying, crumbling) or if you are planning a renovation that would disturb the suspect material. Otherwise, it is best to leave asbestos undisturbed.

Samples should be taken by a properly trained and accredited asbestos professional (inspector).

What are the health risks if I have asbestos in my home, building, apartment, or school?

Asbestos that is in good condition and is left undisturbed rarely presents a threat to your health or those around you.

The risks from asbestos occur when it is damaged or disturbed. Once asbestos fibers become airborne, they can be inhaled and damage the lungs.

If you discover asbestos in your home or at another site, leaving it in place and maintaining it in good repair is often the best approach to take.